Does the World Health Organization's (WHO) pandemic treaty plan to supplant Bulgaria's sovereignty? No, that's not true: Nothing in the zero draft presented in February 2023 supplants nations' sovereign rights to make their own health policies during global pandemics.
The claim appeared in a video (archived here) published on March 9, 2023, showing an excerpt from an American TV show about a new mutated virus, with a caption in Bulgarian. It read (as translated into English by Lead Stories staff):
Attention! Be alert! The WHO Plan-demic agreement will be imposed by force and signed by Bulgaria which will lead to lock downs, authorized without the Council of Ministers, Parliament and President and people will be vaccinated with unknown substances against their will, will have digital passports for access to public transport, buildings, events and Internet and will be sent to concentration camps, threatened by the military forces and terrorized.
This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:
(Source: TikTok screenshot taken on Wed May 24 22:43:57 2023 UTC+2)
Such false allegations can also be found in this TikTok video (archived here) or in this article. It is said that a legally binding "pandemic treaty" would give the WHO the right to control Bulgaria's policies during a pandemic, including those on vaccines, lockdowns, school closures, and more.
The WHO preliminary draft presented in February 2023 reaffirms the sovereign right of nations to make their own health policies during global pandemics, contrary to false claims online. The draft explicitly reaffirms each nation's sovereign right "in addressing public health matters." Nowhere in the 30-page document are lockdowns, closures, or specific citizen surveillance systems mentioned.
The voluntary treaty, which is still a draft, does not overrule any nation's ability to pass individual pandemic-related policies. The treaty lays out broad recommendations related to international cooperation on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. The WHO has no authority to dictate health policy or to interfere in any nation's sovereignty.
Lead Stories has debunked a number of claims about U.S. sovereignty and the WHO. For example, we reported that WHO pandemic treaty does not supplant U.S. sovereignty and that President Joe Biden is not set to sell America's sovereignty to globalists at the WHO.