Did the World Economic Forum (WEF) elite in Davos 2023 impose the Great Reset as their plan to create a New World by 2030 in which people will be disgraced? No, that's not true: The Great Reset is intended as a global effort to address issues, such as climate change, inequality, and poverty. However, it has been hijacked by conspiracy theorists who have spun dark tales about an authoritarian socialist world government run by powerful capitalists and politicians - a secret cabal that is broadcasting its plan around the world.
The story appeared in a TikTok video (archived here), published on August 20, 2023. It opened, as translated from Bulgarian to English by Lead Stories staff:
Well, we were right again. I hate this so much. I hate it when globalists act. At the meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos 2023 there were 379 government officials attending, including 30 heads of state, 56 finance ministers, 19 central bank governors, UN, IMF, WTO, 600 CEOs of the world's largest companies and 1,500 executives from 700 companies. The Great Reset was on their agenda. You have heard it many times from me - the New World Order. They talked about it and they haven't given up. Until 2030 they want to change everything. They want to change our way of living. What we know, they want us to forget. To change history, science, food, beliefs. To change human kind. The wealthy people get together and discuss what they plan to do with the world and humanity. They invest into this project to make it happen. Big money goes into making this thing happen. Now do you understand why we go through pandemics, through wars, through crises? Because everything must crumble to dust in order to be created again, in another way, not the way it was until now. Quantum science is coming, artificial intelligence - these things will be taught. Human beings will be considered nothing when artificial intelligence knows everything and helps in absolutely everything. They say that population is large, there are climate changes, and limit people's rights to avoid cataclysms.
This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:
(Source: TikTok screenshot taken on Fri Sep 8 21:08:05 2023 UTC)
Social media posts in Bulgaria have been sharing the false claim of the WEF elite imposing the New World Order by the Great Reset Plan, which makes its way through cataclysms, pandemics, wars and world crisis. A Facebook post dated August 20, 2023, shared the following YouTube short movie with captions, as translated to English:
As news of options, masks and restrictions come from the West, this sci-fi short film is worth watching, reflecting on the aftermath of the Great Reset and the plans of the World Economic Forum. Medical tyranny, climate change, green programs, carbon emissions, the so-called woke culture - none of this is aimed at the well-being of ordinary people. Will we put the masks back on and roll up our sleeves to this "bright" future, or will we remember that tyranny is not overcome by submission or the vain hope that it's only two weeks until we flatten the curve.
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Sun Sep 10 11:10:31 2023 UTC)
The Great Reset is a project by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to help the world recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. It was announced in June 2020, with a video featuring Prince Charles. The goal of the project is to rebuild the world in a way that supports sustainable development. The WEF says the Great Reset has three main parts: making a "stakeholder economy" that works for everyone; building more "resilient, equitable, and sustainable" systems, using environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards; and "harnessing the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" to create new opportunities.
The plan has also sparked various conspiracy theories online, including the one claiming that the pandemic was orchestrated by a secret cabal to impose a totalitarian world government and impending climate lockdowns that will restrict people's movement and choices. Various narratives and subplots over time, often incorporate older conspiracy theories about the New World Order.
All these conspiracies undermine the scientific consensus and the urgent need for global dialogue and action on climate change. They also distract from the real problems and critiques of the WEF's proposal, such as its lack of clarity, democratic accountability, and corporate influence.
Other Lead Stories fact checks about World Economic Forum can be found here, here, here, here, and here.