Did Chelsea Clinton ever state in a speech that it's time for every unvaccinated child in the US to be killed? No, that's not true: The Bulgarian translation of the original English statement, which the claim is based on, is extremely inaccurate and misleading. As can be seen below in the same video, the Bulgarian text is different from the English one which says 'force-jab' instead of the Bulgarian translation 'killed.' The original claim in English, which can be read as "Chelsea Clinton: 'It's time to force-jab every unvaccinated child in America,'" is already a well-known debunked false information that has been repeatedly fact-checked.
The claim appeared in a video on TikTok (archived here) published by @suzibr on May 8, 2023.
The poorly written and improperly constructed text in Bulgarian is translated as:
It's time to forcefully kill every unvaccinated child in America.
The English text under the photo reads:
Chelsea Clinton: 'It's Time To Force-Jab Every Unvaccinated Child in America'.
The Bulgarian text in red under the photo is translated as:
Here are the fascists
This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:
(Source: TikTok screenshot taken on Tue Jun 27 08:21:17 2023 UTC)
The mistake made during the translation from English to Bulgarian is illogical, and suggests the use of a translation tool like 'Google Translate' or that the translation was done by someone who does not speak Bulgarian. When translated into English, the poorly constructed Bulgarian text would sound like 'it's time to forcefully kill every unvaccinated child in America.' Such a sentence lacks verbal meaning in both languages.
Fake news with a similar claim started to spread actively after Chelsea Clinton's speech at Fortune's Brainstorm Health conference on April 25, 2023. She spoke as part of an initiative of several well-known organizations, including WHO and UNICEF, called 'The Big Catch-up.' This initiative aims to activate and stimulate the vaccination process, addressing the delayed levels of immunization among children due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the WHO, that led to an increase in otherwise preventable diseases such as measles, polio, and yellow fever. However, at no point did she state that children must be forcibly vaccinated, or worse, killed.
The origin of the news source used in the video can be traced from the link under Chelsea Clinton's photo, where it reads 'thepeoplesvoice.tv'. The People's Voice website mentioned published an article on May 5, 2023, with the title "Chelsea Clinton: 'It's Time To Force-Jab Every Unvaccinated Child in America.'"
The claim in the post was debunked by the Lead Stories team in a detailed article, which can be read here. It was also debunked by Reuters and USAToday, which can be read here and here.